Managing Anxiety

We may not have control of what’s going on in our world, but we do have control over how we handle it. 

I have been trying to figure out a way that I can reenter this Social Media community. 

Cause to be honest, I have needed some distancing from it all. 

Don’t get me wrong, I acknowledge my privilege to have social media in the first place, but logging onto Instagram has led me to more anxiety and depression than it normally does. 

And I have a feeling I am not alone in this. 

I was talking to my therapist about my anxiety in regards to “keeping up,” online, and how I have felt remarkably “okay,” since taking a step back from this platform.

To be fair, when you’re living on BLM land with spotty service, the decision was already made for me. 

But after processing what this season looks like for a lot of us, I wanted to give you all some tools to help you manage your own anxiety that I have used for myself and that I desperately want you to use for your own life. 

Before I get into it, it’s important to know WHY you have to take care of your anxiety. 

Anxiety is one of the most common forms of Mental Health Illnesses-and I will argue that EVERY HUMAN has experienced it at one time or another. But in times of great challenge, anxiety seems to flare, and if not managed upfront, it can lead to depression, feeling unwell physically, panic attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and phobias. 

I don’t mean to bring out the big names to scare you, but to help you realize the SEVERITY of treating your anxiety. 

Here is a list of anxiety management tools that have helped me: 

  1. Take 30-60min, no phone, no distractions and identify your stressors on a piece of paper. With each stressor, ask yourself, “is there anything in my control?” For me, I have noticed that I feel a more exhausted due to the pandemic, so one way I can control this is by going to bed earlier. 

  2. GO OUTSIDE-if able, it can be as simple as a walk around your block. Do it mindfully. Do it safely. 

  3. Eat well and sleep well. 

  4. Take time out for yourself AWAY from technology. I dare you to look at how much time you have spent on your phone since the quarantine. I guarantee it is too much time. 

  5. Calming techniques: Do you know how to self soothe when feeling anxious? For me, its controlled breathing. I think we forget how to breathe sometimes. Close your eyes, take 5 deep breaths as often as you can without distraction. 

  6. Negative thinking: are you obsessively reading the news? Are you creating more worry in your life than necessary? STOP THE CYLICAL obsessing, do something kind for yourself, and move forward. 

I know, there are a million reasons why you shouldn’t take care of yourself. You’re busy. You have a lot going on.

But I promise you this: You are worth your own investment. You are worth loving. You are full of value.

And you won’t regret taking care of you first.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk, folks. ;)


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